Whew! That was a lot of pictures from Disney World! I have a lot of other pictures that I've taken during the long time it took to post those, so let's get to 'em! Let's start out with a relaxing bunch of pictures I got while out riding the bike.
Yeah, you can probably tell that these pictures were from a while ago, based on the pink flowers. These trees are the prettiest thing ever, for a week or so, at the right time of year. Why can't they look like this all the time? Would we get bored of them if they were? Is there some kind of deep message here?
This graffiti tag has been here forever. I probably have photo evidence of the same tag from maybe... ten years ago? Must be the right mix of not noticeable enough, inattentive city workers, nobody knows who cares to clean this, um... maybe it's the Mayor's kid's? I'm slightly tempted to make a big MINTY tag just to see how quickly they clean it up.
Bee! Could there BEE any more flowers in this picture?
What a neat spot this is. It doesn't seem to make any sense how the river is so calm and this one spot is going nuts. Do we care there's some physics lessons here?
More crazy stuff, the fact they leave these giant construction machines lying around. It's a credit to the good nature of humanity that nobody thinks to figure out how to commandeer these things, especially when it looks like it would be so much fun to mess around with one. Good job everybody.
Tiny turtle! CUTE! Part of me wanted to take it home as a new pet, but it's so nice out here, I can't take it away from such a cool home.
I noticed the much more colorful graffiti tag under that ancient tag's bridge. I wonder how long that one's been there?! Most graffiti uses nonsense words. Is it part of a secret code game? It might be clues, or might not.
They are putting serious dollars into renovating this area! This is kind-of the end of the bike/walking trail behind the many apartment complexes around here.
There's some kind of kayak dock? Looks expensive. Are they going to start renting out kayaks? We did a kayak thing on a vacation a few years ago and it was fun.

Those lucky people in the houses right there better save up some money for their own kayaks! They can go any time they want now!
Massive reinforcement of the land-bridge! I think I could be really into landscaping, it's interesting how this works out like this.
Yeah... the trail is kind of blocked off, but we've been sneaking around. Hey, we've been careful not to mess things up, if that matters.
Oops. The goodie-goodie nature of my friend makes him still feel a little bad we've walked right through this. Sorry?
You can barely see it, but there's a fishing lure stuck on that branch way over there. D'oh!
Caterpillar! Cute! I'm not a bug expert, but I hope this thing doesn't grow up into something not-cute.
Lots of odd wooden structures going up around the Princeton campus. The year numbers makes me think it's some kind of reunion thing. Obviously.
I caught a glimpse of the plushies in the window over there, the little cats wrapped in blankets are called Purritos. How many people walk by and smile when they see them?
I tried to zoom in on them, I figured I would look too crazy if I ran over there for a closer picture. Purritos come wrapped in foil like a burrito from a dive restaurant. Which is part of the cool-ness, but then you kind of have to unwrap it, so it's weird that you want to leave it wrapped up.
Ugh these are creepy. Year of the Rabbit! It's a Chinese Zodiac thing, not a brutal animal head on a spike thing.
As I glanced at this hill, it looked like part of a hard-mode golf course from a Hot Shots Golf-type video game. Lots of bumpy contours and stuff.
Pink! Or if you feel more comfortable, you can think of it as a light-red.
Mad scientists at Princeton made giant dandelion flower poofs! AH!
I did get close to get a good picture of these. Is there a sign around here to tell me what these are? Dare I blow on this to see if it floats away in a puff cloud?
Softball! Is is more, or less, "equality" that the girls play Softball and not Baseball? Tradition? Stop trying to be political and just enjoy the game.
The underhand pitching looked unusual, I guess it's been a while since I've seen that. I mean, it's normal for them, so it's just me.
Princeton is studying the phenomenon of Mario Warp Pipes? There's a building filled with 'em!
Metal sculpture you can ride your bike through! It's been a while since I've done it, so we went in. Go slow in case there's somebody else in here.
Hmm... Good thing I picked the correct lane. Looks like that other part is bent over? Um... was this safe to go through? Yikes.
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