Sunday, January 20, 2019

New Antique Shopping

Xmas shopping in Virginia Beach took us to the Antique Mall, which has a treasure trove of nostalgic old toys to check out. We got some pictures to share.

How old does something need to be to be considered "Antique?" This building has been here a long time, maybe it is itself, an Antique.... Mall? That also has antiques in it.

Click on the "Read more" below to go inside!

There's a giant POP! Figure area. All kinds of limited edition and chase figures here. Can you imagine if these Flintstones figures were actually from the stone age? That'd be some antiques!

Friday The 13th Jason Vorhees Dorbz figure that's colored like in the 8-bit Nintendo game. You can tell it was a good game because even now, so many years later, they make figures based off of it.

In the Hercules and Xena TV Shows Bruce Campbell played Autolycus, the self-proclaimed King of Thieves. No doubt one day he'll escape from this plastic prison he's in right now.

Simpson's fans go "awwww...." right now. These two beloved characters are no longer on the show.

What's with this Bratz doll? At least Tweety there is decent enough to grab a shell to cover up with. Bratz don't care. She just wants to sell herself, and will do anything to make it happen.

Who's a parent and wants to get this Red Ryder gun for their kid for Xmas? Not like there's any popular movie, that's seen like a couple times every year, that gives any kind of safety warnings concerning this thing.

Hehe that Melissa and Doug chef puppet was fun to see. There's piles of random plushies here.

Is that Wile E. Coyote Batman suit like, the best Road Runner episode ever? It totally wants to be displayed on your highest shelf.

Here's an Xmas Tree-ts?

These might be decorative cupcakes, but they sure look tasty. What kind of evil torture is this? The real cupcake shop should give these out for free, to lure customers in who want to eat the fake ones but can't.

This is an evil Sectaur, Skulk, riding Trancula the big spider thing. My friend has fond memories of this. The spider is worn like a glove, one of the fingers works the jaw. So this thing can scurry all around and chomp things. He said it was a lot of fun.

I've probably said this last time but I feel like I need to point it out again; this place is seriously overwhelming with cool stuff, if you think this kind of thing is cool. It might pass for some kind of museum, really.

Remember those McDonald's Happy Meal toys that transformed into robots? There they are! Check out the few shaped like the Styrofoam boxes they don't use anymore.

Nopony really remembers that they made a ton of Star Trek figures, but they did. For fun I'll point out the figure of Riker in his alien disguise, the blue suit, 3rd from the right on the bottom shelf. He was willing to do anything to escape the hospital he was trapped in.... Anything.... wink wink. Hehe.

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