Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Join the Hunt: The Anime

We had a bunch of pictures to share that have piled up from all the shopping we did for Xmas.

This actually exists. They made an anime series based off of the hit TV show Supernatural. Winchester brothers Sam and Dean and everything. It's described as a re-imagining seasons 1 & 2, so it's a little separated from "the real show" but we still bought this for a friend as an Xmas gift, and we eagerly look forward to watching it. And now that you know about it, enjoy "hunting" for it yourself.

Did you get everything you wanted for Xmas? Click on the "Read more" below for more picture gifts.

My friend saw this in the Barnes and Noble and thought to himself, is it really pathetic, or really sweet, that he thought about his squirrel pal Turbo when he saw this book cover?

Got a pretty good chuckle out of this book cover which shows Trump confused over boats that blew around the houses after a hurricane. It's like watching a sitcom but then you remember, wait, that's real. That really happened.

Here's a mega-clever use of theme. Apparently a quote of the upcoming Kingdom Hearts 3 video game is that "The World is made of Light and Darkness." And here it is on a light switch cover.

This cat just got paaaaaiiiddd! Lol'd at this T-Shirt design.

These were not individual figures, this was one giant display all connected together. From ComicCon 2013. Who has space for this? It's huge.

Mega Man M.U.S.C.L.E.? Cool! Check out the picture of Mega Man doing the regular M.U.S.C.L.E. guy's leap under the logo.

How excited can you be about grabbing a box worth points, that you redeem on a website? Who wants to bother with checking the website to find out if it's worth it?

Fans might have to re-do the social media blitz on McDonald's to get more Szechuan Sauce. They did do a batch last year but now it's all gone again. They've proven that they would do more if the demand was there.

Anypony going to call the grammar police on "01 Days" or are we all too tired to care?

Video game screen shots in frames at a local resell store Video Game Heaven. For each one you recognize, you earn 1000 cool points.

Fish tank deco, is this a rave? You think the fish would get tired of partying all the time around this thing?

That's a goofy mug over there, my friend said to me.

At a Hobbytown store. Why is a tank chasing a car down some railroad tracks? The car may be faster, but it's an easy target going down the tracks like that.

Here's a really messed-up t-shirt. Each trophy plaque has a different reindeer name under it. Take this to a Xmas party and be prepared to get yelled at a bunch.

Who's name is that printed on that sport shirt?

It's Toys For Tots Marines, nothing to loose your head over. Oops, I guess he did. Hope it didn't fall into the collection box there.

Who thought of an inflatable Xmas.... skunk? What? Sorry guy now you're in the clearance section. I guess if your yard just normally smells bad you can put this there and just blame it on the skunk.

Lego gift card at Target. It's got Lego all over it but you probably don't really need to use it on Legos. Which set comes with that dog?

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