Sunday, January 6, 2019

Wash Me!

Let's start out the New Year with some good clean pictures. Did you know you can buy a membership program to a car wash, and just drive through it whenever you want? Our friend did. He drove us through in his brand new car, and when he mentioned the accompanying "light show" we just had to get some pictures!

Can we give the guy who thought of this a big 'ole pat on the back? If your car is going to be covered in soapy suds, just put some lights on! It's genius of the most crazy kind.

How cool could this be? Click on the "Read more" below.

Does this one look a little like I'm underwater? Well, I am, kind of.

This looks like some regular soap. My friend has a sunroof so we could see it from above but we didn't get any pictures from up there.

Cue up the music from Fantasia. It is like magic because we really don't have to do anything, the cleaning is happening around us.

I was a bit worried that we would not be able to come up with any fun comments for these pictures. Does that count as a fun comment?

This stripes were smacking the car, creating some cool patterns.

A brief pause in the cleaning and you can see a bit of the giant gears and machinery all around.

BLAM! More soap in your face! Your car ain't clean just yet.

It's like one of those days when it's like REALLY raining hard outside. My Ferengi friend would say "it's glemmening."

The water is rinsing away and it looks like we are getting close to the end.

What is that up there? It looks like some kind of cartoon flame? Are they going to cook us?

It's getting closer, and it still looks like fire of some kind. It's probably just a drying cycle, but the illusion is pretty neat.

It looks like I'm all powered up, Dragonball Z-style. Aaaaaarrrrgggghhh!!!

Are there shadows on the surface of the sun? It's not hot or anything, just odd darkness in the "flames" here. Hey, "Shadows On The Sun" sounds like a good band name?

And... we're done. Car is squeaky clean. We didn't go out and squeak it, that's just an expression. The whole thing took only a few minutes. Want to go again? We could turn around and go again if you want.

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