Thursday, January 31, 2019

Clearance Robot

More regular pictures to share. Hope you find some entertainment value here for clearance prices.

For $1 in the Xmas clearance sale we picked up Questions Robot here because we just thought of so many fun problems with this. Lets see if we can list them all, based on the premise that it's a robot: It wouldn't need a scarf. Is there a bow in it's hair? Where is the hair? The eyelashes indicate it's a girl, would a robot be a girl? And why would it need eyelashes? There's a candy cane on it's chest but robots wouldn't need to eat. It's smiling, is this an advanced robot with emotions? It appears to be a child, which is not necessary for a robot it would never grow up. Um, is it wearing mittens on it's robot claws? Should I bother to mention it's a plush robot or is that a little silly?

Can you think of anything else? More pictures click on the "Read more" below!

Xmas present hot sauce collection looks like it's going to blow us away! Gotta appreciate clever packaging ideas.

Did you read our post from a while ago about our Wizard Scroll sandwiches? Because if you missed it, you should go back and check it out, these are really tasty.

Hmm. Target exclusive Target Lady character from the Saturday Night Live skit, is herself, on clearance sale. Is this a "whoa, that's so deep" moment?

Little kid Dungeons and Dragons books? Who in the 80's could have predicted this? Wasn't D&D the "work of The Devil?" or something? Looks like the kids who played this grew up fine, and now have kids of their own. X is for XP! It helps us grow stronger!

We were surprised to see characters from the newest Star Wars cartoon show. Is that a Gold Stormtrooper? I wonder if it says "TRUMP" anywhere on him? Because you just know that Trump would have the gold stormtrooper and also the name "TRUMP" on it.

My friend who watches the TV show Supernatural says you can trade three of these for a... "Crowley?" 

So Hasbro re-releases original "Generation-1" Optimus Prime! Except he doesn't have his trailer. But the outrageous part is that they are charging $50 for him. That's way too much! It was really fun to see this though. And pictures are free to take, right?

Okay we all know that the T-Rex had a brain the size of a walnut, but that's no excuse to insult him.

Something a little wrong with a Mega Contrux figure of Kratos, from the rated "M" for Mature game God of War. Also Masters of the Universe figure Evil-Lyn. I wonder what Kratos is going to do to her? Run Evil-Lyn!

If only life were this simple. Pressing the button plays the song from the Lego Movie. You know the song. And it did help a little bit.

Oh yeah did we pick up these fun Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock dice! The premise is that in order to avoid ties in Rock-Paper-Scissors, you add Lizard and Spock. There was a clip from the TV show The Big Bang Theory that popularized this.

Wait, isn't Pop Tarts a breakfast thing anyway? Why would you need a cereal of it? Have you ever heard the phrase "That's like putting a hat on a hat?"

M&M Chocolate Bars? What about the "melts in your mouth, not in your hands" thing? Is this whole thing covered in the candy shell? No? Why bother?

We bought one of these Treasure X sets on clearance. Last summer our friend bought an excavation thing and it looked like fun, so sure let's try it out for cheap.

I gotta say, this was a lot more fun than expected. Here's a golden king guy we dug out.

It's the worst being the car that got stopped in front of one of these things. Like, if they just let you go, you wouldn't have to wait another five long minutes. Not to mention the traffic is coming right at you and it's torture watching them all swerve out of the way at the last moment each time. Might as well get a picture while we wait here. At least we get to watch those people in the cranes for a few minutes.

What happened to Spider Man's web slingers? When did he add the pink and orange flags? Weren't they supposed to re-name themselves to just "Dunkin?" This brand new Dunkin Donuts opened and it's still the full name.

This is the way to do a new cereal. Make an awesome thing that's not normally a breakfast food, and make a cereal of that.

Over 4000 badges on the Badge Arcade game! How long ago did I post the 3000 picture? Minor spoiler but you should know the reward statue doesn't upgrade any more. 

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