Saturday, July 13, 2019

Random Bits

Back with pictures of random bits. Literally.

Recently went to the Honda dealership to get my passenger-side airbag recall replaced. Found these plastic bits on the floor of the car. Did they break anything? Should I say something? I discovered them a few days later and feel totally odd thinking about going back in and asking "hey, um,... is this cool that you broke pieces off of my car?" Seriously, Honda?

What do fish say when they hit a concrete wall?

This dragon statue looks like it was a Transformer from a watermelon. I bet it's going to spit some seeds at you.

They put up the pre-order previews in the Nintendo E-Shop for the Pokemon: Sword and Pokemon: S.H.I.E.L.D. games. Pound it!

Shocked to see a super-young Tom Hanks on an episode of The Love Boat. How long ago was that show?

Finally got around to finishing up the series Gotham. This is only a minor spoiler but it's an epic "bro-mance" moment between Penguin and The Riddler where they hug while each holding a knife behind the other's back. If you have to know why I thought this was cool enough to get a picture to share, watch the series and by the time you get to this moment, you'll know.

Why are all the TV pictures together? Watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon and some guy was feeding Jimmy and Selena Gomez hot sauces and asking questions while they "reacted." Here's the picture of the sauces they used in case you want to try them. The hottest one is on the left.

It was a funny bit. Gotta give Jimmy and Selena some mad props for submitting themselves to this type of abuse for the sake of entertainment. I totally believe they were actually eating outrageously hot sauces and not "acting" like it. Poor Selena had a "seriously I can't believe you did this to me" reaction.

Hey Turbo! Haven't seen you in a while, how's your Summer going? Do we imagine Turbo going on adventures? Maybe.

I get it. Father's Day. Dads typically like Hot Dogs. But a cake? I don't want to know what this tastes like.

Haha Wonder Woman Golden Lasso Twirl ice cream. It must be a lot of fun for them thinking up these themes and flavors.

I'm not quite sure how to express my feeling over this piece of merchandise except to say it's fun-shocking to see. It's a Hot Wheels car of Biff Tanner covered in manure. Yes they actually made a crap car. 

This bumper sticket is talking about pets. What else did you think it was talking about?

There are so many people across the country trying to find this Hot Wheels car, and this one grocery store has like, ALL of them. Are there odds for this type of occurrence?

Here's where we see the down-side of TV Menu screens. No Signal. McFail!

Ordered the new Spanish Grand McExtreme Bacon Burger and forgot to ask for "no onions." That's okay, I can just pick them off, we thought as we waited. Oh.... dang. 

Once we got all the onions off, and most of the sauce with them, we saw it had like a super-tiny bit of bacon. Not wanting to make a big deal out of it, we asked if they could re-make it and they were surprisingly cool about it. So.... yay McDonald's! And yes it was pretty tasty with all that bacon.

It's a Stranger Things promo My Little Pony upside-down Applejack?! Now that's some perfect narrowly-targeted merchandise. Who's the target? Minty?

Another perfect-target thing, if you thought Ghostbusters couldn't get any cooler, they made the Ecto-1 into a Transformer. It was a Gamestop exclusive and here's a T-Shirt for it. Also sold in a Gamestop.

 Who's old enough to remember Garbage Pail Kids? Here's a book collection of the card art. Is this better or worse than collecting all of the cards for real?

I have to post this picture of Fred Sanford so we can all get the funky tune stuck in our heads. Bum bum Bwan-ah!

We saw this exclusive Spider Man: Stealth Suit, Goggles Up POP! Figure on the shelf, a full month before the street-dated release day. Target refused to sell it to us that day, but they were cool enough to hold it for us, for 4 weeks until it was "okay" to sell it to us. Considering it was a Target Exclusive that we could NOT have bought at any other store, what was the point of that whole mess? We've got a relative that has a pretty solid Spiderman collection who's going to like the ending to this story.

 Not from a movie or show yet, and we have not yet read any novel or comic about BT-1 here, but you have to admit this is like, the coolest Star Wars figure you've seen in a long time.

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