Monday, July 8, 2019

Who's House is This?

Ikea! Bored on a Saturday and thought we'd spend the time seeing if we could find something we didn't know we needed.

It's fun to look at these displays and imagine yourself in someone else's home. Could we do that for real? Like, we wouldn't touch anything, we just want to check it out. No? That's not creepy at all. At least we have this in the Ikea store.

Some people use these "rooms" to crash while the rest of their group shops in this enormous place. This could be an all-day event depending on what all you needed to buy.

Which one is the salad fork? Maybe not the paint on the walls, but everything else here is sold in this place.

Anybody need a glass cabinet to display collectibles?

This gave us a funny idea of hanging lots of clocks on the wall, with only one of them set to the correct time. To, y'know, be a jerk to visitors who wouldn't know which clock to look at. I mean, nobody ever visits us so this is an idea for other people.

Gross. You just know that all kinds of bored people sleep on that bed. All unaware that they NEVER wash anything. Do they? Yeah, probably not.

How many kids just sleep on the couch under that bed? You know zombies can't climb ladders so you are pretty safe on the top.

This open-mouth tiger lamp next to this baby crib was hilarious. What are you trying to do to that poor baby? Turn on the lights to a roaring tiger about to eat you? Yeah. THAT'S why the baby is crying in case you can't figure it out.

NEW! It's um.... a dresser.

We already ate lunch and it's too early for dinner, but this cafeteria is packed! They have some tasty meatballs here, if we planned the day better we should have gotten some.

There's an awesome view of the Newark Airport out these windows. You can count the number of take-offs and landings while you eat.

What does it take to be the artist that comes up with the designs for these things? Do you have to be a full 3 years old? Just kidding I'm sure this grown-up artist is only purposefully making it look like it's little kid art. On purpose.

Here kid, cuddle up with this vampire. He won't bite..... much. It looks a little too silly to be scary.

How do they know who my co-workers are? And why would they know about Task Rabbit? I pressed the happy button several times anyway.

Swedish lessons! Apparently they use the same words as English for "mild" and "ketchup." There's a grocery section near the exit but these were in the middle of the store next to the patio furniture.

We should have bought these perfectly-Minty-colored plated and bowls. Where did I go?

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