Monday, July 22, 2019

Roll Out

Sorry for the long pause, I thought I had scheduled content to automatically post, but I guess I forgot when, and it skipped a week or so. Here's just a bunch of rando pictures.

Actual broadcast news from NBC confirms Autobots in the Bronx. My friend tells me the fire car's name is Red Alert. It doesn't say what they were shooting at, but it doesn't look like there are any wrecked Decepticons anywhere so they probably got away.

Stranger Things spoiler alert: Don't leave this ice cream out of the freezer, or it will spoil. This has been a spoiler alert.

This is the most intense Happy Meal collection we've seen in a while. You can collect ALL of these to connect them together into the big RV. Good luck!

Here's a very Minty-looking rip-off pony we spotted at a kiosk in the mall. Gotta admit, it's pretty cute.

Gamestop was having a clearance sale on large collectible figures, but it did not include this awesome Sophitia from Soul Calibur, because she's included in a deluxe version of the game, and thus counts as a "game." We thought it was funny that she might be insulted to be labeled as a game.

On the way to the bathroom in the mall, in the long corridor, we spotted this funny sign on this apparently useless door.

What a perfect shirt, says my friend.

Why won't the bubbles come out? You have to squeeze the trigger for a while. You'll know when you can stop.

Walking past the Victoria Secret store, my friend wonders if they would actually sell the framed pictures on display and laughs at the thought. He had to turn around to get this picture, and although he thought it was funny, he worries he looked like a creep.

Yeah, that's a "win" for deciding to go to the mall instead of riding the bike this Saturday.

The storm was very intense but brief. You can see here that the clouds have moved past the sun, but were still raining on us. So this is a rare sunny rain picture.

There are rumors that Toys R Us will be returning to New Jersey this Fall. This is the giant store you can see from the NJ Turnpike, and is still a giant empty building.

We caught the pretty rainbow from the passing storm. You really think there's a pot of gold over there somewhere?

It was awesome that we were stopped at this light, and glanced over to see that Thanos graffiti, and were quick enough to snap a picture of it. Get it? "Snap" a picture?

You might have to look twice at this one, but those two transformers combine to form a gun of some sort. It's just the manner in which they connect is a little... um... I'm all for "inclusion" but you guys know it still inappropriate to do that kind of thing in public, right?

Another cool couple of Star Wars droids, here's Hondo Onaka's R5-P8 and Ziro the Hutt's R2-C2. You could say the gun on Arfive's head is dangerous but those drinks could be equally so.

Just thought it was "funny" to see Thor Ragnarok listed in the "Comedies" section on Netflix. Who are they trying to "fool?"

 How can you have Unicorn "dust" "syrup"? It's either a dust, or a syrup.

Saw this pool float in a Disney Store and thought it was funny that if you were laying on this thing with your feet on the wrong end, little Apu could be getting quite the view. Show him... a whole new world?

 Another Friday Night special, to give us a break from Nachos and Wizard Scrolls. We are calling this the "FBI" which stands for "Full Bowl of Ice cream." Includes all the Magic Shell and Rainbow Sprinkles you can handle. Hey, as grown-ups, we can have Ice Cream for dinner if we want.

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