Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Aliens 2

I'm not sure how I convinced my friend to get another one of these Treasure X Aliens creature dissection sets, but I did! We noticed a new series came out and before he could even ask "why?" I grabbed one and threw it in the shopping basket. "Why are you making me do this again?" he asks. Hey, we need to post pictures of something entertaining, right?

I don't see where it says "Series 2" but the packaging is different. These are in blue tanks, while the first batch was in green crystals. Three new creatures are now swallowing aliens so be careful, it's a crazy space out there.

Bottom of the box shows all of the steps involved. But a lot of these are simple, it just makes it look like there's more to this. Like they don't expect the parents to read all this, ain't nobody got time for that.

You may have noticed a code stamped on the bottom in the previous picture, here's another one on the side. It might tell you who's inside this thing if you can crack the code. "Yeah, let's do that!" says my friend. Nope we already bought this one, stop delaying the autopsy.

Now the creature goo will glow in the dark. My friend does get a little smile when he realizes that's just like the movie Predator. Which is NOT a kid's movie. So when these kids grow up, and later see Predator, they will think glow-in-the-dark blood was copied from Treasure X Aliens.

No need to cover the table, it should clean up okay. Cutting through the rubbery creature's body is an odd sensation that's both horrible and satisfying at the same time.

Aaaaaand my friend forgot about the rib cage. "Aww GROSS!" he says.  It just pops out but I guess you could imagine needing a bone saw or something for this.

The initial poking of the guts bag is very nerve-wracking. You don't want to be too forceful and have goo go everywhere. Plus, you know, the whole imaginary stabbing of guts and all.

You could really just reach in and grab the whole slime bag out of there, but it's a lot more gruesome fun to play along and poke through it. There might be some kind of lesson here about enjoying the process instead of skipping to the end. But honestly my friend almost just skipped a bunch of gross steps here. This experience is part of what you paid for.

It's odd that the tool they provide you with is not very "grabby" which prolongs the task. You might find this clever... or excruciating. Is this a Russian nesting creature guts? There's a smaller guts bag in the bigger one.

It really takes some effort to grab the Alien out of the bag with the tool, but we got him. 

Looks like he was wearing a helmet! Is that how Boba Fett "theoretically" survived the Sarlacc? Wouldn't it be funny if they did a Boba Fett in one of these things?

The smaller guts bag holds the treasure. This one might be a "real gem" according to the package. Hopefully not another guts bag inside this guts bag.

Not a gem, but some kind of upgrade to his blaster pistol. So my alien friend here thinks that's much better than a real gem anyway.

I'll take a moment to talk about the slime. It's honestly.... pretty cool. It's not greasy at all. You can smush it around in your hand and as soon as you put it down, you don't feel at all like you need to immediately wash your hands.

Looks like the creature's head can be filled with the slime, just like the last one. Are you ready to get some revenge on this thing for swallowing the alien?

SQUISH! Take that! There's holes in it's head for the ooze to um,... ooze... out of. My friend gets a funny thought about how toys in the 80's were successful when they got TV cartoons based on them, but cannot imagine how they could possibly make a kid's cartoon based off of this. Rescuing aliens swallowed by creatures, by cutting them open? You think... Netflix wants to do that?

When you're done with the slime, you can store it in the top of the tank. Now you can threaten all of your other figures with it. You better do what I say or else you're getting the ooze!

Here's the map that comes with it. I still haven't figured out what I'm looking at here to tell me what type of alien I'm supposed to rescue. It looks like the Treasures this time are all weapon upgrades, which is kind of cool in a Metroid sort-of way.

 And the checklist for all of the aliens that need rescuing. Looks like some of them have suction cups, and some... squirt water? Our guy's name is Slyle and he's on the um, Face Force. So is that going to be Trump's next military branch, the Face Force? A sub-division of the Space Force.

 I'm trying to find a word I can use to describe how cool the teeth in the visor look. My friend says that's "metal". He certainly looks happy that he's no longer trapped in the guts of a space creature. Smile for the camera!

 Oh yeah, almost forgot it was "glow-in-the-dark" slime! So we had to go back and get a picture of that. Don't worry, I'm fine under here. It's rather comfy for, y'know... slime. The childish joke thing to say here is "ahh.... ahhhhh..... CHOOOO!" haha

 Extra follow-up picture! My friend got into thinking about that code-breaking thing and saw a full fresh box of them at a Walmart. It says 1 in 12, and there are 12 in the box. Checking the codes stamped on the bottom of the boxes, they were all exactly the same... except this one. So we took a chance and sure enough, we scored the gem! It might be super-tiny, but it's there inside that tank. Ceck out the new little alien guy, he gave his mech suit sneaks!

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