Thursday, February 13, 2020

Barrett Street Antiques

These pictures are from a while ago during my trip to Virginia. I was told about another giant antique mall. That's... a mall full of antiques, not an old mall that is itself antique. This one is not as full of old toys like the other Antique Mall, but we enjoy checking out old stuff, so let's go get some pictures to share.

It's called Barrett Street Antique Center. Guess what street it's on? The highway is right next to it, you can see it clearly every time you pass by. Right off of the Lynnhaven Parkway exit, if you know the area.

Wow, if only this thing could tell it's story. Is this a helicopter or spaceship? Looks like it's seen some things, and been around for a long long time. That's it! maybe it's a crazy time machine?

There's a whole outdoor area with lawn stuff. Wave to the people zipping by on the highway over there.

We wanted to ring this bell, but thought it might fall apart or something. I'll be cheesy and say once you ring the bell, it cannot be un-rung. Ding ding ding. Ding ding ding. I recently re-watched the terrible Batman vs Superman movie, and that was Luther's lame line at the end.

Vintage birthday cards? Not sure what to think about this. I guess it might be cool to get a card from before when you were actually born. Like a time travel paradox of sorts.

Tweety was $20 and the others were only $15. I'd ask why but my friend's sister is probably going to see this picture and yell at him for not getting her the Tweety glass.

It might not be too clear from this picture, but this place goes waaaaaaayyyyy back there! It's a pretty big place.

I don't know if this is technically an antique, taking an old table and fixing it up a lot. Looks plenty cool, for sure.

Super big bird house. While this looks super awesome and complex, it's probably hard to see the birds inside it. So ultimately not a very functional bird cage.

The Looney Tunes glasses were all over the place. Makes me think they are really new, and just placed in these stores as if they are antiques. Me gusta el Speedy Gonzales.

Oh, that is deep. Is all Buddha merchandise ironic by nature? Who needs stuff?

This doll seemed to be asking for it's picture to be taken. I can't explain why. Just took the picture. So now that I posted it, maybe you will be compelled to do something, too. What just happened here?

Hey! It's a Vulcan! And my friend is certain he has that Targ plushie there. Those are from Star Trek.

This intricate tin ornament is from some sort of White House collection. Only says 2001 on it, not too much of an antique yet. But then why does it feel like it was so long ago? Because of the White House reference? Who was President back then?

Saw that big ring in there with the random giant rock in it. That's what my friend would call an "Evil Sorcerer Ring" like magic spells would shoot out of it. Does everyone daydream about finding magical relics in antique stores?

Those little mice were ADORABLE! Looks like they moved around, might be some kind of music box.

My friend's Mom told him he'd find old phones in here, but we didn't expect to find ancient ones. These have that handle piece you swing over to your ear while you talk into the base. Aren't those from like a hundred years ago?

 Antique stores are amazing because a lot of this stuff should rightfully belong in a museum, yet you can purchase them and take them home with you. And for only a little amount of money, considering how unique these items are. Is there a distinction between junk and priceless treasure?

 One display case had a bunch of cool rocks, and this obviously neat setup with a magnet suspended between two crystals. Thanks, sign, for pointing it out. I gotta admit, it IS very neat.

 YOU... SHALL... NOT... PASS! .... up these walking sticks.

 Hess Toy Truck trivia: Hess has been selling Xmas toy trucks since 1964. The company was sold in 2014 and the Hess gas stations were changed to Speedway, but they continued making the toy trucks to be sold online. What an odd thing that the toy brand outlasted the gas company.

 Good Grief! Even that one picture on the front, and the title "You're a winner, Charlie Brown" is funny. My friend had lots of Charlie Brown books when he was little.

 Fifteen cents for popcorn?! You're blowing my mind! Nowadays the theatre charges you like 15¢ for EACH PIECE of popcorn.

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