Friday, February 21, 2020

Decepticon Paperfolder

Another batch of random pictures with fun comments to share.

This Transformer has been around since 2007. Has anybody pointed out that his NAME is "Bonecrusher"? Do robots have "bones"? How is that his name? Even if it's a nickname or codename, it shouldn't be very intimidating to another giant robot. Yeah, we ALL crush bones, you're not scary with that name.

It's been a while since I've seen the movie What About Bob, I wonder how well it would hold up these days? I remember it fondly and was reminded by this funny rip-off Kebob Truck.

Yikes this is some dark humor. Not even sure I should be sharing this picture, it's so depressing. I guess it did make me chuckle a little with it's outrageousness, so it's obviously meant as a joke.

Relevant to that last picture? We all know what "smoky flavor" is, but if you read it plainly, who would want something "Smoke" flavored? Also, if somebody is eating these next to you, do you get second-hand smoke flavor?

Mandalorian merch is starting to sneak into stores. These Nerf bullets will not zoom around and auto-target like the tiny rockets from the show.

What is that pony wearing? Thigh-high leather boots? These are for kids, right? Who thought it was a good idea to put the Carnivale-themed pony prominently on the package?

I've got a friend who is a mail carrier person, and they drive a truck, not a plane, but they still might be interested in the new Lego set with a Post Office minifigure if they were not paying attention to what recently came out.

Seriously.... Limited Edition? Ice cream cake? Who is going to collect these? I understand if they are only going to produce the snowman cakes in the winter time, but I bet if you go into a Carvel store in the summer and ask for a Snowman Cake, they'll still make you one. Oh, sorry, those were "Limited Edition."

Does this count as "adult humor" or "childish humor" to point out the silly name of this... hard candy. Tee hee. Nobody is offended enough to point this out anywhere, how long have these been around? Since 1928. Who prefers Caramel Nips?

"Longcat" Dynamax'd Meowth card spotted. They've never been good at coordinating a TCG release at the same time as the new Pokemon game, which came out a while ago. If you don't know, the new gimmick is making the pokemon grow Godzilla-sized in the stadium spots.

Finally got around to trying the famous Popeye's Chicken Sandwich. Honestly, pretty good. I can see how people might have gone bonkers over this thing. I mean, it's still just a good chicken sandwich so let's not go too crazy here.

How about these giant-sized Masters of The Universe figures? Is this so grown-ups can actually feel like little kids again? Like, put this is a room with giant tables and chairs and stuff to make you seem like you are smaller than adult-sized.

"Drunk Elephant Facial" does NOT sound appealing. AT ALL! Free? Not really. Shame on you JCPenny!

What kind of crazy D&D adventure can you use this 12-sided dice in? The dungeon boss picks you up and folds you into.... roll.... Triangle pose!

I'm about a year late spotting this, but here's a GIRL on the Big League Chew package. The internet look-up showed a minor amount of hype over this but I think that's cool if they just do this type of thing without begging for the pandering-attention.

Awww yeah. The perfect type of merchandise for the win. How many people looking at this image have the Game of Thrones theme music playing in their heads? Build it from the ground up like the title sequence showed.

Every once in a while, we still pick up an Amiibo. Mostly because they just look awesome and are from games that lack other merchandise. I don't even know what games this Dark Samus figure works with or what kind of content it unlocks, but it's Dark Samus!

Have some SNOW pictures! It's been a very warm winter so far, but one Saturday we did get a good enough amount of snow to make everything look pretty.

 Of course we had to do a walk about and enjoy the view. It was very nice to happen on the weekend without any need to really go out and drive around. Although to be fair, the roads were okay for the most part.

 It's um,.. cool... that you can "see through" the forests in the winter time without all the leaves in the way. More so when it snows because the contrast is better.

 We didn't stay out long. Here's a picture of the apartment complex swimming pool. Come back in six months to look at this picture and wish it looked like this in the summer!

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