Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Baby Mr Peanut!

Here's a little batch of pictures we took watching the Superbowl. I didn't think I'd take any this year, but there was some fun stuff to share thoughts on.

By far the best commercial was "Baby Mr. Peanut", later official named Baby Nut. It could have been done better, but the fact that they pulled it off was amazingly hilarious. If you don't know, it's an obvious rip-off of The Child from The Madalorian, or as everybody know him; "Baby Yoda." As Star Wars fans, this was pure brilliance.

We were not expecting a Rick and Morty commercial. And it looked like Rick was not expecting it either. Fans of the show will say this counts as a Rick and Summer adventure. Aw geeze poor Morty in the... not in the Superbowl spot.

The Undertaker is my friend's favorite wrestler, but very close behind is "Nature Boy" Ric Flair, who has the best charisma for promoting stuff. WOOOO! Seeing him in a commercial really makes you wonder why nobody thought about using him in this manner before. Because he's going to get you EXCITED! WOOOOOO!

The Little Caesar's Sliced Bread commercial was kind of funny but mostly just cute, except for the punchline moment at the end. THAT was funny!

This guy has never heard of a Reese's Take 5 candy bar. Because he had his head up his..... what? How did they get away with that? I guess that's just ON the line of acceptability.

There was a Post Malone commercial with Pixar "Inside Out"-style characters debating in his head over which Bud Light or Bud Light Seltzer to get. The funny part was that all the characters in his head had the same crazy face tattoos as Post Malone. At one point in the Superbowl, they showed those guys in the crowd! It's cool they got to go to the game, and they even had the tattoos on still!

We've all heard talk for the new "Marvel Universe" shows coming to Disney+ "soon" but seeing actual footage was a ton more exciting than it should have been. They didn't really show much, but the tiny bit they did show was like PROOF that it's happening. It's like, did you ever wonder what it would be like to turn your favorite movie into a bunch of TV shows?

This commercial caught us off guard with it's humor. "Tell Your Mama" T-Mobile mom was calling her son about where her phone worked, and the surprise in the middle of the night "Mom, who you with in the club?!" had a good snap to it.

This P&G commercial had a mix-up of other-commercial cameos. Busy Philipps is seen in the bathroom with the Charmin bear, who is singing his little song "My hiney's clean! Yeah uh-huh my hiney's clean!" And I'm wondering... exactly WHAT happened in that bathroom? Did um,... she clean his hiney?

Bill Murray was in this commercial but this picture of Punxsutawney Phil was so cute, doing the "dog" thing out the car window. This was the first time in the history of the Superbowl that it was on the same date as Groundhog Day. It's nice that somebody thought to do a connecting bit with the classic movie.

Saddest commercial was when Burger King had to resort to tricking people into eating their Whoppers. Please eat our food! Even sadder was when the actress on the commercial said "I'm surprised it came from Burger King because I liked it." Is that to say that everybody thinks Burger King is not good? And you'll only like it if you don't know where it came from?

It's probably happened before, but it was fun to see a happy player making "snow angels" in the celebratory confetti on the ground. Congratulations, Kansas City Chiefs!

Ugh, FINALLY! I had to sit through that whole Superbowl and I really just wanted to see the premier of Season 3 of The Masked Singer! Who else is all about this amazing show?

The funniest part was guest host Jamie Foxx. Just the fact that he was a JUDGE. Both previous seasons, the judges swore Jamie Foxx was in a costume or another. And it was fun to hear his stories about how it's wrecking his life with people pestering him about the show. So there's NO WAY he's in one of the costumes! At least.... for this... one... show?

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