Monday, September 9, 2019

Sugar Kingdom

There was a small amount of souvenir shopping on our short trip to the Outer Banks, and we discovered a new place called Sugar Kingdom. Anybody want to guess what that is? We took so many sweet pictures in there, you'll need to brush your teeth after looking at them all.

Maybe the outside of this could look a little more like a castle if they are going with the "kingdom" theme, but it was certainly castle-sized and full of candy!

He's wearing a crown, so this must be the King. Looking at this picture, I guess we could have asked somebody if he had a name.

Copy-pasted King statue is inside the store as well. Here's like a wide corner picture to get a sense of what's going on. Lots of candy!

It's like an explosion of lollipops!

Not quite sure what this corner circle of ice cream cone seats is for. Some kind of Candy Council meetings?

Candy-themed games and rides over here. Your kids are going to need something to do with all that sugar energy.

Watermellon rock candy! I took this picture to show there was a lot of different flavors of rock candy... next slide please... click!

Um, what flavor is "white"? Is that what the Dominion's troopers the Jem'Hadar take on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine? Victory is life! My friend bought some out of curiosity and we should have guessed it's just plain sugar flavor.

"My Little Horse"? So funny! Check out the rip-off merchandise. What can Hasbro do about this? Or is this too silly to care about on that level? Hasbro might care but honestly I think it's just funny and cute.

I mean, really. These aren't even horses! Nopony is paying attention to this at all.

Is this thing drunk? Should it be holding up a shelf? "You shaddup, I'm fiine over here holding dif sheff. Weeeee!"

This might be the only kind of sushi my friend can eat. So the answer is yes, there is a type of sushi for everybody.

Even though it's just candy shaped like a crawfish, this thing is still creeping out my friend. And "no thanks" he says.

Yeah, they have the actual creepy candy there, too. This is the type of thing kids dare each other to try. I Triple Dog Dare you!

This is what my friend thinks of all sour candy. And where it comes from or where it needs to go.

Giant. Wall. Of. Jellybeans. !! Are you jelly?

Why is this... bear... dressed up as um, a... bear? We all got a laugh out of this. What's even more crazy is that later, when playing a card game about Unicorns, the game was finally won when a player used a card to protect his unicorns by turning them all into... Panda Bears. So this is what's known in the movie business as "foreshadowing."

 Yep. There's ice cream there, too. Does that count as "candy?"

 Who wants a big block of fudge as their birthday cake? Raise of hands? 

Check out this mermaid keychain! As we press the button on the back and ignite the blinding light coming out of the belly button. Each time we did it to everybody, it was still funny. Hey, I got myself first so we all got light in the face.

 Super Truffles! Why do these things have to be so expensive?! We just want to try them all! This is some special brand of torture.

 Wait, Jack Daniel's Truffles? Can they sell that to kids? Busted!

"Tonight's episode of Futurama is brought to you by Thompson's Teeth. The only teeth strong enough to eat other teeth."

Should we fully trust this open bin of candy rocks? I want to say something deep and meaningful here about disguised expectations and associations. Like what if you really wanted some rocks, but got chocolate instead? That's not quite right, but we do have memories and associations with these.

I thought I was taking too many close-up pictures of the different candy and needed more pictures to show how overwhelming the candy was everywhere.

Should someone be offended by "White Trash"? I'm not really sure. Really. It sounds like it should be offensive, but is it?

 I found the Hidden Mickey! Wait did I? I don't see any Disney logos on this. Haha.

 One last picture I gotta get of the happy unicorn bubble gun. Here with his dolphin buddy. If your finger gets tired pulling the trigger you can switch to your other hand. Was that taking the joke too far?

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