Thursday, August 11, 2022

Crazy Rabbit

 Another batch of crazy pictures!

One glance at the Trix Rabbit and his crazed expression as he flees this T-Rex, and my friend seriously laughed out loud, right in the middle of the store, for several minutes. Some kind of happy terror? What a psycho! Drop the bowl and RUN!!! Of course we bought a box, and for a few days it was fun to glance at it and get that uncontrollable urge to laugh.

Happy 4th of July! I guess I'm a little behind schedule with some of these pics. Free food at work! This was a pretty solid lunch; tasty and filling. And it's amazing how many people they grilled food for, on that one standard-sized grill, in the amount of time we had. Before the picnic we thought it would be a mess, but it turned out to be great.

Everybody says "4th of July" like we all know what that means. Nobody says "Independence Day" anymore. I wonder if that one alien invasion movie is responsible for that? Like calling it that would promote the movie instead of the holiday.

Photo at the KFC showing Colonel Sanders visiting a Disney Theme Park. The neat part is that those other characters are all actors playing and dressing like famous icons, while The Colonel is an actual icon. They are probably more excited to be here with him, in this moment.

Elmo's name is embroidered on this doctor coat as if he had hand-written it. Which is easy enough to digitize, but the question is: why? Real doctors' names are embroidered on the coats with regular professional fonts. This implies that Elmo just scribbled it on himself, but... it's embroidered. Sorry if I'm ruining some kid's fun by analyzing it haha.

Posting this for a friend who shall remain anonymous. Although there is almost no chance they are reading this. When they name crazy characters after familiar people, is that fun for everybody?

I saw this in the bookstore days after the whole controversy thing that recently happened with the Supreme Court. I'll refrain from political commentary, but I wonder if this book is in need of some re-editing on any particular subject.

This odd thing, that looks like a grown-up version of Grogu's hover carriage, looked to be a little too small for a full-sized person to lay down in. Still, it seemed like a relaxing time. Can I get a yard to test this out in?

Okay rabbit, we have to have a serious talk about your eating habits. I know we're not supposed to be all "judge-y" these days, but I'm worried about your health. Look at you, all covered in Cheetos Dust. At least... try to cut back with the snacking between meals. You can do it, bun'. I believe in you.

Do you think the birds appreciate all this effort that goes into building them a home like this? Or do you think the other birds tease them about their silly house?

Yikes this is creeping me out. Enjoy your giant creepy head face in the yard.

Oh. No. My poor friend has a name close to this character who is um... "toilet-bound"? Whatever that means. My friend may or may not already have a reputation for extended amounts of time in the bathroom as it is. Did they make a whole anime to tease my friend?!

I can't remember which team I was on in our Pokemon GO game. Walk yourself to the store and get some cards for it!

Strange coded messages on the McDonald's register! Did my order summon some demons? It's speaking in tounges!

I wonder if there are different versions of this puzzle for other teams or sports, or did somebody just like the New York Yankees this much? I do think those dogs look a little too intense to be watching baseball, which is usually a lot more relaxed of a game.

Hahahahaha! You thought your action figure would include the axe? Why are they selling the axe all by itself? I mean, the guy comes with a staff. Why not just throw the axe in there with him? Ridiculous.

Pay no attention to the three "6"s in this picture. Which some people think is a bad omen of sorts. The newest Thor movie was pretty good. I don't want to over-hype it, but I'm sure you'll have a good time.

The Cars thing usually makes my friend uncomfortable (Where are the people?! he says) but you gotta admit that little flying saucer is adorable. It's technically not a car, right?

Do I have to get this just because it says "Unicorn"? Hey, it's not all Unicorn, there's some regular Vanilla ones, too. If you're not sure you'd want all Unicorn. That is some very specific type of marketing research!

Oh, sure, we did get some! And I gotta say: YUM! Score one for adventuring down the ice cream freezer section.

We have one pack of fruit snacks in the morning as a sort-of breakfast. Oh, excuse me they re-named them to "Funables" probably because they got sued over the lack of actual fruit. Anyway, there were other snacks in this pack besides this one, but I just had to get a picture of this giant mutant melted-together fruit snack. For the record, we did eat this and so far have not developed superpowers.

Whatever TV shows we watch, there are TONS of commercials for the Strawberry Frosty from Wendy's. We thought it was funny to see on the sign in the store that it temporarily replaced the regular Vanilla Frosty! Busted! Hope you didn't want a vanilla one!

That is one happy squirrel! It looks a little overwhelmed at the size of the freshly replaced food snack! It's okay, you can give it a hug.

Little People figures for The Golden Girls! That is some bizarre brand synergy as the show's demographic doesn't really line up with the target audience for the toys. But who's not going to want that Betty White? Like it was even possible for Betty White to be any more cuter than she already was.

I saw the truck named "Battitude" and thought it was a funny name for a monster truck, and when I picked it up to look at it, the one behind it was even better! A big food truck with a giant hamburger called "Buns of Steel" is all kinds of ironic fun!

The best picture on a Pokemon card I've seen in a long time. The phone game lets you take augmented reality pictures with your camera, like you would be walking down the street yourself with your own pokemon. I just hope that pikachu is going to stop that person from walking into some traffic! It looks distracted by the person who is probably staring at their phone.

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