Saturday, July 1, 2023


 Flea Market day! And a few other pictures from the same day.

The sign looks printed, but also hand-drawn. I'm a fan of hand-drawn signs, you can tell by the variance in same letters, like all the "S"s don't look the same. A lot of times, a sign will "look" hand-written, but the letters look the same, and that means it's really a computer font. Anyway, we came here to look for other stuff, not to stare at the sign at the entrance.

Did we really get here before lunch? Look at all these people! This part is usually cleared out before we get here.

What's the return policy if this doesn't fit my car? Hahaha return policy. Who are you again?

The simple knock-off toys are funny. That one just says "small dinosaur" like who has time to check what type it is? It's small and a dinosaur, nobody cares.

Did you know the WWF (now the WWE) had a wrestler named Vader? Not a Darth, but a Big Van. He did a salute where he held up his hand in a "V" that looked pretty close to a Star Trek Vulcan sign. 

Speaking of both Star Trek and Star Wars, it was funny to see them both here. Say it Chekov! X-Wing Wessel!

The humor here is that they would no way make kids toys for Robocop back when it came out. Surely not the guy who was dipped in radioactive waste and got run over by the car. That's not a kid's movie but adults now collect toys so it's okay somehow.

I caught a bunch of episodes of this show and it's pretty good. It's surprisingly not-political for a show about government workers and politics. I'm not 100% certain, but I don't think I've ever heard them say the words Democrat or Republican on the show, ever. And Chris Pratt steals every scene he's in.

He comes with the Twister mat and the silly electric football game! That challenge montage was a highlight of an overall very funny movie.

Hey, Marvel can have two metal-winged heroes. Scarlet Scarab has bird wings and was given powers by Taweret who looks like a hippopotamus. So... none of that matches, but it's all Egypt-related so just go with it. I'm not complaining because she just looked too cool to care about any of that at the time.

Release the Cat-kren! Cute.

If you ever forget you're at a flea market, you'll soon wander into the noise of the robot puppy. Yip yip yip yip yip. Yip yip yip yip yip.

How is putting the merchandise all over the car the coolest thing? Do I think that because this is the first time I saw it?

Who's going to dig through this mess to find any treasure? I guess somebody's going to have time to do that, but not us and not now.

Russian nesting dolls are simple but awesome. How big is too big, or how small is too small? Does it feel like you could keep adding more, or opening them and getting a smaller one?

Erg. You're about to get my opinion on "Grading". It looks terrible. I don't care how much it's worth, it looks not-good with the text block on top of it. Can't you look at a card yourself? The only real benefit is that it hopefully verifies it's not a fake card.

Not anything about the specific characters, but I'm wow'd by the "EB Exclusive" sticker. Was Electronics Boutique still around when they started making POP! Figures? I guess so.

They made POP! Figures for the 2016 Presidential elections, and yikes with the prices. Hillary $50, Bernie $60, and Trump gets a whopping $200. That might be an indication of the crazy-ness of the character's fan base, so maybe not as complimentary after all?

How much for a vending machine control board? I always thought this would be a fun business to do. Just keep it stocked and the machine kind of works for itself. Just make sure you put it in a safe place.

Do you need a motorcycle to wear a Harley-Davidson shirt? My friend says he thinks he could be a motorcycle guy, if it was just a bit safer. We ride a bicycle all the time, and is that much different?

Is that squirrel super adorable, or super creepy? I can't tell. Maybe both?

When I was leaving I noticed the giant smoker and thought that probably made some tasty food earlier. Maybe next time I come here, I'll check it out.

You'd think I'd remember that the first Saturday in May was Free Comic Book Day. Oh yeah, I did remember this year!

Here's the free comics I scored. This tradition has been around for a while now. But these days the "free" comics are pretty much just advertisements for other comics. I mean, they are comics, and done like real comic books and all, but they stories are mostly teasers you need to buy other comics to see where the story goes. Still neat though.

They had old issues of Nintendo Power. Lemmings for the Super Nintendo was my jam! There was a 2-player battle mode that was so much fun. 

What a title! How long have I not been paying attention to the comic book scene? Is Gangsta A__ Barista going to get a movie deal in the future?

I know the movies are different from the comics, but is that the Rocket's otter friend? I hope the comic version got to go on adventures.

Archie ripping off Mario Kart and Power Rangers? Um... it's called an Homage, so it's okay. 

Hey, it's more RWBY and DC crossover comics! These were in the new section, but honestly I don't know if these are the ones they've already done. It reminded me that it's been a while since I watched any RWBY, there's probably a lot of new episodes for me to check out. 

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