Sunday, October 2, 2022

Big Antique Mall

 Another trip to the Virginia Beach Antique Mall when we were down in Virginia a while ago. There's a lot of pictures this time, I figured it would be better to post them all at once for a change. So sit back and get some fun comments on some old stuff.

Treasure hunting! You don't usually come to a place like this to find specific things, you go there and hope some thing finds you! You might also be looking for a specific old thing, what are the odds they'll have it? So keep your eyes open and you might surprise yourself with an unexpected treasure.

Jurassic Park of the far-future! Bugs preserved in... whatever that stuff is. This might be horribly undignified for them, or a unique honor to be worthy of admiration. I guess they know how Han Solo must have felt.

Mexican Baseball? What a neat looking game. This is the type of thing that might belong in a museum of some kind, but here it is at an antique store ready to go home with you. Did I just make a pun? Score!

How many more spins do you think this can take before it breaks? Not enough, they had to put up that sign. The nerd in me wants to try and figure out the pattern of the seemingly random numbers. Is there a pattern? Would I be able to decipher the covered-up-by-the-sign rows?

Autographed POP! Figures! So expensive! You can take that money and go to a convention yourself, and get them autographed. It's hard to say, that sounds like a lot of work, and here it is already done for you.

What a cool accomplishment to have gone to a lot of conventions, seen so many celebrities and have waited in all the lines, got the autographs... The display looks like it's got a few empty spots, I wonder which figures were there!

One more picture of the autographs. I find it hilarious that the George from Seinfeld figure is discounted. Poor guy can't catch a break, even in a cabinet where his figure is for sale.

Wow did this trigger some undefined memories for my friend. Did he have some of these silly fruit character cups when he was little? They looked so familiar, but he can't quite remember any details.

Saw this old license plate, and thought I'd get a picture of it in case any part of it was familiar to anybody. Looks like it could be a clue in an escape room.

There was a whole display with crazy ties. Poor Pepe La Pew was cancelled even before "Cancel Culture" was a thing. Can nobody take a joke? It's funny because it's SO inappropriate! That's the joke! No? Yeah he is a little creepy... Sorry Pepe.

Posted this picture for my friend who shall remain anonymous. Who-Dale? Dick Dale. He's a Dick! I hope at least the music is good, says my friend.

There are so many tapes! But the real challenge is finding somewhere to play them. Good thing you're in an antique store!

Anybody know a "Ron" who'd want a big sign of their name? Maybe some Harry Potter fan would want this?

Danger Will Robinson! You know, they never gave this thing a name. They always would just say "The Robot". I feel like that was such a lost opportunity. A... Lost in Space opportunity?

Dr Evil says this was a wizard deco piece. And by wizard I mean both the quality of its design and also that it's a... wizard character... you see the two meanings of the word wizard... it's a homonym... 

What a cute little character! The tag said it was a signed Judy Peale Native American sculpture. Maybe a little too creepy for me, but that actually adds to the cute-ness a little, too. I hope this thing finds a good home.

Now this is a total nightmare. Do you have a guest room, but don't actually want guests? Boy have I got the perfect decoration for you!

Naked mannequin! Or did somebody just buy whatever it was wearing, and they have yet to find a new thing to put on it?

Where did they get a giant freak show sign? I mean, the whole concept of "freak show" is horrible, but this is still gotta be a rare thing to find in an antique store, right?

There was a whole corner with crazy carnival stuff that was probably haunted. Those little puppets up there probably got hit with bean bags all day. You think they are full of rage? 

OH WOW! The X-15! I don't really know if that's something to get excited about, but this does look like it belonged to "the coolest little kid on the street" at some point. Who needs a steering wheel when you got a lever?!

This is a cool twisted metal sculpture and then you see the silly finger puppet and it's like... what? It's glued there, so it's part of it.

I don't even know why I posted this picture. I guess so you can be as stunned as I was when I saw these things. Sorry.

Whew, let's cheer up with some Betty Boop. Seeing a collection like this makes me wonder if the things I'm collecting will eventually wind up on the other side of a sales display case in the far future, or considered antique to someone in that future.

Y'know, there still might be a market for these magazines (in plain view of anybody walking around), even with The Internet making them obsolete. If you're one of those Doomsday prep people or want to live "off the grid" for example.

The video game section has some rare collector sets of some games. If it was your favorite game, wouldn't you already have the collector set for it?

It's a rare Japan-only Nintendo Amiibo figure! Yeah, they know it, that's why it's $125!

The back stairway had this ladder crammed in it. We carefully snuck by, but it just screamed "unsafe!" the whole time.

The TV series Once Upon a Time was pretty good for a while. They re-imagined and mixed up all of the classic Disney movies and characters into new fun stories. We actually met the Robin Hood guy at a fan convention... once upon a time.

So... Much.... Star Wars! You think The Force is the most powerful thing in the galaxy? Nope... it's Merchandising!

It's a Happy Birthday version of Hatsune Miku! So you can bring it out at least one day every year! Maybe two; one for you, one for her! Google said her game was released on August 31, 2007 so they count that as her birthday.

Big display of classic figures! This place is full of shelves like this. Zoom in and browse around for a character or two you'd recognize.

Giant Captain Marvel Lego Minifigure. Looks legit but also kind of homemade. There was a window of time where Marvel marketing over-estimated the popularity of the character. I mean, she's well-known, sure, but they thought she'd blow up like Elsa-from-Frozen style and that didn't quite happen.

These almost look like Dia De Los Muerte decorations on these My Little Pony figures, but without the skulls. 

Who's this cute character? Sometimes it's nice to be surprised with a cute thing you don't recognize. But somebody somewhere is looking at this and thinking "You don't know who that is! Argh!"

This was near the Star Wars stuff but I think it was from Doctor Who. It might be a fan-made project and not an actual collectible, but some people think this type of thing is actually MORE collectable because it's unique.

Hey, is that the old Star Tours ship? That's the ride at Disney theme parks, which existed even before they bought up the whole Star Wars franchise.

That old Droid Factory playset looked like it was in amazing condition! Did they re-release it at some point? I mean, that white is so... white! And not all grey and yellow with decades of playing around with it and fading. 

I often forget to take wide-shots so you can see the scope of places. This Antique Mall is huge! This is only a small part of it, but you get a nice view from the top of these stairs.

Anime Warrior Nun character. That sounds like an interesting concept for a series, I wonder if they are "faithful" to the source material?

There's an eye-catching button! Y'know,... you got me. Good job, button. I'll get your picture.

Nothing about the earrings, but those plastic gem containers they come in? My friend has some memories about getting some of those in claw machines at Busch Gardens when he was little. Seeing them gave him a fun smile. Can we just buy the container?

That's right! You're on camera! Whoa! I might be on somebody else's blog as a crazy thing they caught on THEIR camera!

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