Thursday, October 13, 2022

Minty's Wild!

 Wild pictures!

Uno: All Wild! AHHHHH!!!! Have we all gone insane? Is that what it's like to be crazy? But seriously, that sounds like it's impossible to play. Luck of the Draw 2s and Reverses and what-not. I would be interested in trying this, but it sounds awful.

I gotta say, it's impressive that Kitty Pryde has the power to walk through walls. Nothing to do with cats, or lions in a "pride". Typically comic books name the characters like Doctor Otto Octavius who gets octopus powers, or Harleen Quinzel becomes Harley Quinn. Not Kitty Pryde. She walks through walls. And has a pet... dragon.

On a food-adventure night I tried mixing pulled pork into some mac n' cheese. Not bad. Not amazing, either. Just okay. I might do it again some time but it's not like the next big thing.

Yowza. I don't think I want to drop a skull of anything into something I plan to drink. Have they seen any cartoons?! When the evil witch drops something bad into your drink, it's usually got some skulls on it.

This is the same plushie I was trying to win out of the claw machine at Busch Gardens! I spent $25 on the points-card and blew almost the whole thing trying to get that sheep, it flips inside-out to be a wolf. Rather than spend another $25 on the points, I resolved to flat-out buy one if I saw it, figuring they would be less expensive. I'm not sure why I passed on this, I should have gotten it. I told myself I would. Eh, it was nice seeing I had the option, I guess that was satisfying enough.

This says Series 3 on these Animal Crossing figures. I need to check how many they made, if there are any of my island's neighbors to pick up! There are hundreds of different characters, so the odds are not good.

Shopping Baskets! You might be wondering why this is exciting. Last May they started a no-plastic-bags policy in New Jersey. Stores can no longer give you disposable plastic bags, you HAVE TO BRING your OWN bag into every store! What happened in reality was some kind of riot/looting effect, where frustrated customers were simply TAKING THE BASKETS HOME. It boggles my own mind how they thought that was "okay" but... it happened. And now hardly any stores around here have baskets. So yeah, I was excited to see some.

This cookbook caught my eye and I thought... that sandwich looks sooooo good! Great job, person who picked which thing to put on the cover.

I had to look it up. Here's the sandwich. It says to use a dragon-breath spell to toast the bread! Where do I get one of those?

Sometimes I think I could be one of those cooking-crafter ponies. But who wants to make a beautiful piece of art you are just going to eat? That's a weird thing to think about. Because some people are all about that.

I need help thinking of a comment for this picture!

This arrow was on the Walmart parking lot they just finished re-paving. It looked like something the Marvel movie would have for the new Avenger's Iron Man parking lot. It's over-designed with the "exciting" extra lines and sharp angles.

I was finally moving to the new warehouse! The last few weeks were oddly lonely as I was one of the last people to go. Right before I packed up my computer, I opened it to blow out the many years of dust inside. You should have seen the cloud around this thing!

Who'd believe there was all kinds of desks and stuff over here yesterday? Now it looks like a wreck. Those pipes in the wall are for venting laser machines.

I felt super awkward when I transported the critical computer in our own car. We didn't want to trust it on the big truck. So sure, let's just throw this in our car! I mean, we are honorable and all, and it is needed at the new place, but still felt like a not-cool thing to do. In our own car for just a minute.

Right down the street at the new building, we get to be next to the windows! The bottom part is frosted, but I can look up to see the clouds and stuff. Mega-upgrade from the boring grey walls we had before.

New neighbors! I'll call you Spider One... and Spider Two... and um... Spider Forty Nine.... Um.... There are a lot of spiders.....

Looking up was that moment in the horror movie where you realize... PANIC! AHHHHHHH!!!!! Infinite Spiders! I mean, it's close to Halloween, but this is ridiculous. The cleaning crew only got the bottom three panels, the three at the top were still packed with spiders and a week later they started re-populating the cleaned-up spots. So um... yay windows?

I don't know why I find Magic: The Gathering "Jumpstart" packs so cool. I mean, it's basically a Starter Deck, except it's random what you get. Apparently every set going forward will have Jumpstart Packs, but these have cards from the particular set, with only one exclusive card per color. And there's only 10 different pack types, two per color. So it's not anything to get too excited over. But still neat.

Data and Spot! I guess you wouldn't know it was Spot without Data holding on to it. Do yourself a favor and look up the scene from the episode "Schisms" where Data recites the poem Ode to Spot. Hilarious.

NO LIMITS to the amount of work you can do for the grocery store! I found this funny enough to get a picture of. Does anybody pay attention if there are limits anyway? They took home all the shopping baskets, what makes you think they are going to read a limit sign in the first place.

Another dinner adventure! Similar to the Wizard Scrolls we make but instead of cheese slices, we got cheese sticks. I admit I saw a picture of this online somewhere, so it's not an original idea. But it looked good and similar to what I already make, so let's give it a try!

My first step is to toast the pepperoni slices. Some people would skip this, but I think it's important. Crinkle up some aluminum foil in the pan of the toaster oven. and once they are toasted, put them on some paper towels and smush-out the grease.

Between the paper towels, and the liquid grease pooled on the foil, it's a very comfy feeling knowing that you are not going to eat all of that nasty mess!

Rather than use them as regular croissants, you take two of the triangles and use them as one big piece. You can squish the edges to blend them together.

The idea is to put the cheese sticks in the middle, wrap them with the pepperoni slices, and wrap that with the croissant dough. It was not easy, you have to kind of curl them up and it's a little messy and more complicated than it looks.

But eventually it wound up looking like this. Whew! Not exactly "pretty" but good enough to cook. Some of them we had to stretch the dough a little, but they all wrapped-up okay.

Using two triangles each, the normally-eight croissants wound up with four of these things. We're going to eat two tonight and save two for tomorrow. But you haver to open the pack of dough, so we might as well cook them all at the same time.

Toast! Out of the oven, looking good!

Since these are almost the exact same ingredients as the Wizard Scrolls we normally make (basically rolled-up croissants with the meat and cheese slices rolled-up, too, if you needed reminding) they tasted almost exactly the same. So that's cool with us! The melted cheese in the middle was excellent and it might be better, since the cheese did not melt into the bread which left the croissant part crispier.

Booooo Subway! Why even make coupons, if we can't use them! That just makes us mad when we expect to go in and use them, and now what? My only option is to turn around and go somewhere else. Otherwise I encourage them to keep doing this type of thing. So now I'm hungry and upset, and I need to think of another place to go now, when I was looking forward to a Subway sandwich. Thanks Subway! Thanks for the coupons! Sorry everybody, for the rant, but I was hangry at the time.

This picture doesn't quite show it, but this is a tiny cup of soda that Sonic called "Medium". I had to ask, are you sure this is the Medium? Like an idiot. I guess I was still upset at Subway, so now I'm taking it out on Sonic. I had to drive all the way over here, Ugh! Sorry Sonic. That's not fair.

AHH!! Baskets back at Target! I gasped in surprise and wound up in a small conversation with the automatic checkout person. They told me they already had to stop several people heading out the doors with them, and stopped them from taking them out of the store. Seriously, people? What's wrong with you?!

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