Sunday, October 30, 2022

Pics or Treat!

 It's that time of year again for spooky things everywhere. Here's a collection of Halloween pics I got. Most of it's not too scary, if at all.

There's something you don't see too often; a space suit skeleton. It's a neat idea for a "snow" globe, and I especially like the ashes stuff in the water. You have to shake it yourself to get the full effect; when you first shake it, you can't see inside, but as it settles, it reveals the skeleton.

Do I want to get an arts and crafts thing? This Eye Scream Truck was adorable! Sold at the art store as a kit you have to do yourself. Who doesn't love googly eyes?

It's probably possible to decorate for Halloween and only have "Cute" things. These looked like arts and crafts projects that had already been done for you.

Pop-up stores! One of the cool parts of Halloween is finding the bonus shopping where some other giant store went away. Almost like the stores are coming back from the dead, with creepy merchandise instead of whatever was there before. Zombie stores?!

Michael Myers is the guy from the movie Halloween, not to be confused with Mike Myers, the comedian who did the Austin Powers movies. You know that's a William Shatner face mask, right? So many references going on with this guy!

Hazmat suit guy is a cool lawn decoration. You can't see the face in the mask so it looks more like a real guy. You could get your own similar costume and stand next to it, and really scare people who would think you're another lawn decoration! Also, as I took this picture the racoon thing lunged at me and I jumped back and laughed. Fun!

Spooky tree! If you get a couple more, you can have tree of these!

This rotting pumpkin was cute. I worry that kids might smash it anyway even though it's obviously not a real pumpkin. Since kids typically smash the rotting pumpkins.

Why buy a real decoration, when you can just project one? Does this count as holograms or something?

This store had an odd cardboard throne that looked like it was for photo ops, but also you'd probably crush it if you tried to sit here. I mean, I'm a tiny plastic pony, so I'm okay sitting here, but a full-size human person might not do so well.

Dude! It's the pizza guy from that Stranger Things show! Surfer dudes were totally an 80s thing, too. Far out, man!

Big eyeball mask... looked... cool. Get it? Looked? Ah... you got it, it just wan't that funny.

I get the "sexy" Freddy Kreuger costume, but the Chucky makes less sense. They had a girl Chucky doll in the movies already, her name was Tiffany Valentine. Of course, she did not have a recognizable enough costume, so maybe that does make sense afterall.

It's the axe from God of War! I only recognize it because they've been playing commercials for the new game a bunch. It's actually a very typical looking axe all by itself.

Ah what an awesome costume; the Squid Games guards. It's so good that even characters in the show wore it as a costume!

Lil' dragon for your shoulder? Okay. This might be relevant again with the new Game of Dragons show. House of Thrones? House of Dragons? What's the name of the new show again? I'm watching it, and I can't remember.

Halloween Squishmallows! An example of Halloween not being so scary. I mean, there's a vampire there, but it's a cute vampire.

My friend was starting to wonder if they sell the cardboard standees of the costumes, or if those are just for the store. Haha... just kidding. But it was a funny thought for a few seconds.

They said "yo'self" which is hilarious. Treat yo'self to some decorations!

Hey, it's framed embroidery as artwork! My friend had an idea to do this kind of thing. Seeing it in the store is a little encouraging.

Did these generic Halloween decorations just happen to look like the car named Baby from the TV series Supernatural, by accident? I mean, not exactly, but close enough, right?

This skeleton is like "WOO HOO! I'M GOLDEN!"

All of the trouble you have to go through in any Legend of Zelda game, to get the Master Sword, and here it is, simply for sale in the store. Does Link know about this? Maybe Ganon should go buy them all up, then he'd never be defeated!

Pokemon trick or treat baskets? Gotta catch 'em all! All the candy! There's probably less candy types than there are pokemon at this point, you think? There's a good trivia question: What are there more of, candy types, or pokemon?

These steampunk military hats were so cool looking! We peeked into the goggles and they work. They make everything look a little sparkly, but you can see through them.

Pokemon "BOOster" packs?! I grabbed one right away. These are for giving away to kids instead of regular candy. Each pack has three cards and there's 40 packs in this um... package.

I had to open some! Looks like each pack has a foil rare card, too! There's only a total of 10 rare cards in the "set" and each pokemon is a "Halloween" type of theme. They're not new cards, they are from other sets with a special pikachu-pumpkin stamp on them, to let everybody know you skipped out on some candy to get it.

It's been a while since we've had some Hello Panda. They're really good and this Halloween box was reminding us about all that. Only 70 calories per bag... Hmmm, that doesn't sound too bad for a snack...

This Hello Kitty in the mummy outfit has her chest covered in a way that suggests she needs um... more covering. Awkward!

That's some high hopes for yourself and how much candy you expect to get! It might be fun to give this giant bucket to a very small kid and they'd probably get a lot of extra pity candy since the bucket would seem so lightly-filled. 

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