Saturday, September 23, 2017

International Spy Museum 2

Nopony needs to know this but, just for you, here's some pictures you never saw.

It's reasonable to think there would be a school for spies, but it's probably not called "The school for spies." Did I just think of a movie idea? Kinda like Harry Potter, but with spies instead of magic? Ack! don't be a spy and steal my idea! Now the student has become the master!

There goes my bazillions of dollars. You might as well click on the "Read more" below to check out more pictures, at least?

They have a bunch of these boards up to teach you about looking out for things you might miss. Spy lessons?

Really? Guy in window with binoculars? Who does that now-a-days? The two similar bags thing is a cool one to watch for though.

There was a quiz on the wall from the dossier selection earlier. We didn't know there would be a QUIZ? Luckily my friend has a decent memory and out of the 15-20 questions only got 1 wrong? But at least more than one answer was a guess!

We are Yankees fans so our secret mission to Red Sox Fantasy Camp will be tough haha. We should stay and watch the game, y'know to make the story seem legit. As spies, we will secretly be rooting for the other team! Take that Red Sox!

Guards look for nervous behavior, so stay arrogant and don't let them rush you. How dare you ask me that! Who's your supervisor!?

Spy lingo terms. We thought it was funny that "Gru" was a term. Did Despicable Me know about that? Probably?

This mailbox was not a drop zone, but chalk marks on the side indicated a nearby drop had been made. Part of what makes museums cool is that this is the actual mailbox real spies marked. So like, yay museums!

Ah, good old fashioned lock picks. No, really. Old fashioned lock picks. Like, lock picks that are old.

 Camera in a brush! Just combing my hair. What's that you're reading?

 Key chain cameras might be realistic today, but back in the past it would have been pretty amazing!

This radio transmitter was hidden in a fake tree stump! The top was transparent enough to solar power the thing. Wonder what the local wildlife thought of this thing?

 Transmitter in the cigarette lighter! Let me just put this in my front shirt pocket and lean in close when I talk to you...

 We've all seen spy movies where the mini camera records all the secret documents? Here's that camera!

 I bought you a plant for your office! What? No of course there's not a secret microphone in the pot!

Cigarette box camera. There were a couple holes so you could put some real cigarettes in this thing for less suspicion if somepony asked for one.

 There were some computer "games" set up so you could view satellite footage and look for spy things. The museum was busy so we didn't get to try it out, but we got a fun picture of this guy seriously looking.

 How many ponies can you hide in a car? Box in the back seat? Really?

Children's toys with hidden spy gear? Getting the kids involved is pretty devious spy tactics. But is there any other kind?

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