Wednesday, September 27, 2017

International Spy Museum 4

If anypony asks, these pictures are NOT from the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC.

Spies have the coolest cars. Is that a sales pitch? Hey, be a spy? It's super dangerous but you get a cool car!

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More modern high-tech heat reflective clothing to avoid thermal detection. Does it come in minty green and pink?

Face masks to prevent facial recognition software in cameras. Also, a "Blackphone" that's safer to sneak around with.

There was a funny video of a dog going crazy barking at this robot hopping around. Maybe the DOG was a robot, too? Haha we're probably a long way away from that happening!

Hmm, does this evil guy deserve this humiliating legacy? He hid this suicide capsule up his butt, and used it when he was captured. So here it is on display! This was actually in some guy's butt. How embarrassing?

Haha fake rock. Those are hiding house keys in gardens all across the country now!

The contrast in this display; the brass knuckles and weighted glove to torture captives, and the cyanide pill hidden in the glasses arm. There is no happy ending to this situation.

If you thought spy stuff was only modern, we're about to find out spy stuff from a lot longer ago!

Some say the Rosetta Stone that translated the same thing into three languages was a beginning to spy tech. Now countries could read the other country's stuff. And steal all the good ideas.

The best example of ancient spies: the Ninja! Everypony needs to take a picture of the ninja, you might not get another chance! Like, literally?

In old times they would print whole books with hidden messages in them. Even if you read the whole thing you still wouldn't know which words were part of the hidden message.

They are giving credit to Sun Tzu as one of the first Spy Masters since a lot of his famous book, The Art of War, has to do with sneaky stuff.

Code Wheel! Some old video games came with these to try and prevent piracy. Even if you downloaded the game you would still need a physical thing to decipher an unlock sequence. So that's an OLD tech for sure?

Another example of ancient super-spy tech, the Trojan Horse! Let's hide people in a statue gift? Anypony inside giggling a "I can't believe they are falling for this?"

 Pigeon with an auto-camera flying over the enemy hopefully taking some good pictures. Even if you knew the enemy was using these, they would still be hard to shoot down?

 Did anypony else know that the author of the James Bond novels was a real spy? I like how the plaque reads "Fleming, Ian Fleming."

 Another famous author, Edgar Allan Poe, was a codebreaker and considered a spy. Are there hidden codes in his stories? Anypony check before?

 Here's a dancer from World War I, Mata Hari. She wrote a lot about being a spy. So much that people both believes she was a spy and also thought she might have been making it all up for attention.

 Here's a letter she wrote. Was she way ahead of her time making up gossip like this? Makes you wonder if any modern celebrities are spies?

 Civil War era bugle, scouts would spy on the enemy and play musical cues that could be heard far away.

I forgot what this Oscar award was for. Argo maybe? Anyway, what cooler place to show off your award for everypony to see.

 Julia Child was a spy? Cooking up some kind of secret plan?

Propaganda poster alley ahead. Careful what you say around here.

 Free speech doesn't mean careless talk? Maybe we can train this parrot to give false secrets? Then he could talk all he wants.

Here's a piece of an experiment they ran to disrupt a power plant remotely. It mashed up the generator into bits and hopefully we learned how to prevent this from really happening.

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