Monday, September 25, 2017

International Spy Museum 3

Still a lot more pictures from the International Spy Museum to report to the secret agencies

We weren't sure if this sign was supposed to be funny, or if someone was actually listening to us. Or is this just good advice? Act like someone is always listening.

Does typing count as talking and reading count as listening? Click the "Read more" below for nothing you need to know about nevermind.

Are these examples of disguises or were these really worn someplace? It's a museum so somepony probably snuck around in that hat before.

These displays were kind of creepy in the fact that the props looked real enough to fool people, so seeing them in the cases was weird.

Here's a system of tunnels to hide in because um, ants have all the good ideas? Are ants just a bunch of spies?

Before metal detectors in airports of course, and before radios were a lot smaller. Here's a whole suitcase that's got a radio in it. A little amazing to think that this survived to be included in this museum?

Funny to think that "invisible ink" technology is used in kid's toys today, but back then it was a serious thing.

Hollow COINS? Wow that's cool. Wait a second, is Mario a spy? Is that why he collects all those coins? They got secrets hidden in them?

Notice the shaving cream can. They used that bit in the Jurassic Park movie to smuggle out the dinosaur embryos. Who would have thought it was a real thing?

Sure, just burry the stuff underground. Are there any secrets hidden that were never recovered? Hmmm.....

Excuse my language because I usually don't use such words on this blog, but... that is the SHIT! Who would ever think this piece of Dog Doo was a radio transmitter? You pick it up, I'm not picking it up!

You've seen it on TV shows and movies, but here it is; an actual SHOE PHONE! Used by a real spy really spying.

Entering the displays of hidden weapons, here's a lipstick with a bullet in it. The sign says it delivers the ultimate "kiss of death!"

Maybe the coolest thing we saw here is that Glove pistol. You still have your hands free to grab stuff and you fire the gun by pushing in the plunger, basically "punching with a bullet!" Also, the flashlight gun was pretty sneaky, too.

 Umbrella with poison gas inside. Batman himself might be surprised to find out The Penguin's weapon was a real thing!

 Would you care for a smoke? You know, those things will kill you, right?

 Gives a new meaning to the name "Ring Pops?" Like gangster style ring-pop-a-cap-in-you, yo!

 Clever pill to put in a gas tank to clog up the whole thing so they can't case you when you try to escape. That's some James Bond stuff, there!

 This exploding canteen is so much revenge. For a thirsty enemy who is looting supplies. Or maybe just placed as a trap?Anyway that's some pretty "cold" water in there!

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