Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Yeti, Set, Go!

There was enough pictures of just this one thing to get a whole post-worth out of it. It's the Expedition Everest ride at Disney's Animal Kingdom.

Thought we'd start out with this funny t-shirt, Y'all Yeti For This? Cue up exciting music. Let's see if we can um... see... a Yeti around here!

It's a whole big real big fake big mountain! Inside there is a full on, high tech, impossible Roller Coaster.

On the walk-up to the ride, these totems are warning you away. Dr. Jones, I go no further! Says the scared jungle guide.

Five colored circles on that door. Is this the secret base for the Power Rangers? Disney owned the licence for a minute but not any more.

Our Fast Pass reservations were coming up soon, but we thought we'd relax in the standby line anyway. By the time we would get through, we could jump back into the Fast Pass line and pretty much ride this twice in a row! That's another clever "Fast Pass Strategy."

Only one foot tall to ride?! Cool! Oh, wait... that's a "Yeti's Foot"-Tall haha. I know I'm a little small but it's okay for me, I can just fit in anybody's pocket.

The line queue has all kinds of Yeti themed shrines and areas. You feel like you are lost on an expedition. 

Yikes to that um, blood stain, on the forehead of this statue. Somebody is paying respects a little too much. Is that necessary?

The bamboo had graffiti carvings on it from bored line-waiters. I kind of wanted to add a Minty plug, but the line was moving a little too fast for that.

You can see the mountain on the other side of the building there. From this angle, it really looked super big in the distance.

Ah, photo memories. That's the whole point of this blog.

We had recently watched the first episode of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian. So these looked like pieces of Beskar Armour to us right now.

When you get into the building, the line queue winds it way around a Yeti museum of sorts. There's all kinds of neat Himalayan artifacts in here.

The line was moving at a good pace, there wasn't enough time to fully check out all the many bits of stuff. So let's get pictures and look later. That wooden staff on the right is cool.

This better be part of the display, to look as messy as this does. That wiring behind this wall is just for show, and in no way is an accident waiting to happen.

I should have yanked the camera to get a blurry picture of these blurry pictures. Wouldn't that be funny? Sometimes you think of clever things too late.

Spoilers for costumes on next season of The Masked Singer. Who is "The Gaur"? 

 Good thing this cabinet is sealed. Nobody wants to be smelling that scat. I'll use this awkward opportunity to say "Hi!" to the nice couple waiting in line behind us who were fascinated by the Minty blog concept.

 They pointed out this "Camera Trap" which we should be careful around. We don't want our camera to get caught in it, there's still a lot more pictures we need to take!

 Is there really something so big to have made this foot print? I mean, I guess dinosaurs got pretty big, so it doesn't seem impossible to believe.

 Whew! Safely off the ride. No spoilers about the ride itself except to say it does things you've probably never experienced on a roller coaster before. And yeah, it was fun. Obviously.

 Back on! Through the Fast Pass line which has it's own version of the Yeti museum with both duplicate stuff and unique stuff from the regular line. Only got one picture since the line was pretty much a walk-through.

There goes the expedition! We're next! This coaster also has a single-rider line, so the extra strategy is to jump in that next and ride this... three times in a row! Our friend did that, but honestly we were feeling a little woozy and decided to bow out of the third ride.

 Big scary Yeti totem in the gift shop is like "ARRGH! BUY STUFF!"

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